Scholarships Search

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Scholarships for International Students, University of Sydney, Australia

Scholarships for International Students, University of Sydney, Australia
University of Sydney Scholarships for International School Leavers Applying through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)

For: Students with a minimum UAI of 95 + other achievements
Value: $5000p.a.
Duration: 1 year (Entry Scholarships) or duration of degree (Merit Scholarships)
Application Due: End September
How to Apply: Application forms are available from the Scholarships Office from mid July in each scholarship round.

University of Sydney Scholarships for School Leavers applying for admission through the Universities
Admissions Centre (UAC) are awarded annually in January on a combination of school examination results, UAI and other achievements, (leadership, creativity, self-motivation, communication skills etc). Suitability will be considered based on the application submitted. When the UAI scores are released, each applicants UAI will be checked to see it meets the minimum level, the student may then be offered a scholarship. Please note that students who wish to study at Sydney College of the Arts or the Sydney Conservatorium of Music must achieve a UAI of at least 90 and be amongst the top 5% of applicants, assessed by portfolio or performance.

International and NZ students applying for admission through the UAC are also eligible to apply.

Students taking the IB (International Baccalaureate) in Australia (not off-shore) or other alternatives to the HSC will be assessed on the basis of a UAI equivalent. This is available from the UAC or the University Admissions Office (Tel: +61 2 9351 4117)

There are two levels of University of Sydney Scholarships (Entry & Merit scholarships). Your application will automatically be considered for both.

University of Sydney Merit Scholarship - $5000 for a maximum of 5 years (must maintain an excellent academic record throughout the tenure of the scholarship)
University of Sydney Entry Scholarship - $5000 for one year only
University of Sydney Scholarships are available for all undergraduate degrees and combined degrees. However, you can nominate only one faculty in your application which will be forwarded to this faculty for consideration. The scholarship can be used for any degree in that Faculty.

Please note that each student may only submit one application

Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) <==> may not apply to Malaysians.

ADS are funded by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) as part of Australia’s foreign aid program. The ADS provide opportunities for people from selected developing countries to study in Australia. These scholarships are awarded either on merit or on nomination by home governments. Information and application forms for the ADS must be obtained directly from the Australian Diplomatic Mission or the Australian Education Centre in your home country. Application process may take up to one year. For more information refer to

Faculty/International Student Merit Scholarships

The University of Sydney is committed to the provision of a quality education for its students. As part of this commitment, the International Merit Scholarship Scheme was introduced in 1998. International Student Merit Scholarships are awarded by the University of Sydney to its undergraduate/postgraduate coursework merit achievers who have completed at least one year of their studies at the University of Sydney. Selection is based strictly on academic merit and is decided by faculties participating in the program. The Faculty of Medicine bases its selection on GAMSAT results. Scholarship selection is usually made during Semester One of each academic year and all international students who do not already hold other scholarships are automatically considered. No application form is required. The Scholarships are awarded as full fee, half fee or fixed amount grants. In 2008, a total of 87 Scholarships were awarded. These Scholarships were offered by the following faculties: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Arts, Dentistry, Economic and Business, Education and Social Work, Engineering and Information Technologies, Health Sciences, Law, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Science, Sydney College of the Arts, and Sydney Conservatorium of Music. The University of Sydney’s Foundation Program through Taylors College also provided Scholarships to its meritorious students.

Faculty of Architecture Dean's International Merit Scholarships

Each year, five scholarships will be awarded to top international entrants to the Faculty of Architecture's Bachelor of Design (Architecture) and Bachelor of Design Computing programs with a minimum UAI of 95 (or converted equivalent). No application forms need to be lodged. The Dean of the Faculty of Architecture will award these scholarships, each valued at $1000, to bone fide international students. For further information, please email Mr Jonathan Hulme, Marketing Assistant, Faculty of Architecture.

Michael H. Rathgeber Scholarship (for residence at International House)

The scholarship was established in 1971 by a gift from Dr and Mrs Henri Rathgeber, to establish the Michael H. Rathgeber Scholarship in memory of their son who lived in the University’s International House from its inception until his death in 1969. This scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate or postgraduate student of the University of Sydney with a good academic record or with special abilities, who would benefit from residence in International House and contribute to its purpose - but who would not be able to live in International House without financial assistance.
The Scholarship will be for 50% of the International House fees at the time for a single study bedroom accommodation during an academic year. The scholarship will be awarded for one academic year but may be awarded for a subsequent year or years. This scholarship is awarded by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney on the advice of an International House Selection Committee. Preference will be given to an Australian Aboriginal or a student from Papua New Guinea or the Pacific Islands.
Applications should be made in writing to:
The Director, International House, G06, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006.
Applicants should state their full financial position and if not already resident in International House, submit a completed application form for residence.